About Client
The image processing case study features a customer based in US owning a couple of studios and looking to expand his business to other parts of the globe.
To edit more than 4, 00,000 images and carrying out image enhancement within a really short timeframe was a real challenge. The customer would daily upload minimum 100 folders with approximately 50 images to FTP. We had to deliver the work unfailingly on a regular basis, though there was a significant time difference.
The Solution
Finding the right people and framing teams for the project was the first thing we had to do. As voluminous images were meant to be processed, relying on a single team for offering timely and quality image processing services was risky. Also, the images to be processed were for multiple purposes and domains. While a king part of them were for real estate and fashion industry, there were also old photos to be restored and likewise.
We had to carry out a wide variety of image manipulations which include, simple photo retouching, clipping, masking, cropping, correction of color, contrast, sharpness, hues and saturation etc., background editing, panorama stitching, perspective correction and a lot more. So, the skill sets needed for accomplishing these tasks were not the same; it was quite different.
Hence, we formed 5 teams with 8-10 members each to do different image processing tasks. There were animators, designers and also skilled image editing professionals in the team who mastered all relevant digital photo post processing software programs and tools such as Adobe Photoshop CS6, Illustrator, InDesign, Quark Express and Coral Draw etc.
Being a Professional Photo Editing Organization, we had enough resources as backup and thus we added more members to teams whenever they were struggling to meet deadlines. This was of immense help to stay in line with the client’s specified timeframes.
Additionally, we had an expert quality control team consisting of highly experienced professionals who assured at every phase of the project that all the teams are staying adhered to our set standard practices for achieving apex level of quality.
We assured that the customer enjoyed complete peace of mind and security throughout. For the same, each and every designer was provided with a separate username and password. Proper legal documents were signed to reassure the same.
The delivery was prompt and most of times well in advance. As the workforce in US is more expensive, by outsourcing to us, the client saved significantly. Also, his sales leapfrogged by 70% owing to our quality work.
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